Open tunings have been used by many country blues guitarists. From the alternating bass styles of Furry Lewis and Mississippi John Hurt to the evocative and haunting sounds of Skip James to the ragtime blues of Blind Blake. In this series we discuss some of the finest guitar arrangements played in open tunings. For the intermediate guitarist.
Lesson One: OPEN G TUNING: Furry Lewis's Turn Your Money Green and Skip James's Special Rider.
Lesson Two: OPEN D TUNING: Vestapol, Blind Blake's Police Dog Blues and Mississippi John Hurt's If You Don't Want Me.
Lesson Three: OPEN D TUNING: Furry Lewis's Kassie Jones; Doc Watson's Sitting On Top Of The World; CROSSNOTE TUNING: Skip James's Hard Time Killin' Floor and I'm So Glad.
Level 2/3 • 32 page tab/music book with three compact discs